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1st Oct 2022
to 31st Dec 2022

Age Range
All ages

Community Choral Re-Activation

In 2019, Wicklow Arts Office published the Community Choral Activation Plan. Developed through a consultation process involving 18 choirs of varying ages and genres from across county Wicklow, the actions included the development of a new and countywide choral network, development of both choral music practitioners and singers, and the launch of a Sing in Wicklow website delivered by BIGO media. 

Unfortunately, work had to be put on hold due to the pandemic but following a recent open call for performances by choirs as part of Culture Night 2022 and a focus group with 7 Wicklow choirs, Wicklow Arts Office have reengaged BIGO media and begun the process of updating the Sing in Wicklow website in preparation for its launch in the new year. This will be accompanied by a programme of activities and events to address the development of a new network and the development of choral music practitioners and singers through workshops, collaboration and increase in capacity.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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