Brigid 1500 Education Pack
Explore ‘The Life and Times of St. Brigid’ with our Brigid 1500 Education Pack!
Brigid 1500 is a two-year programme, hosted by Kildare County Council, to celebrate the life and legacy of St. Brigid.
This education pack on ‘The Life and Times of St. Brigid’ tells the story of St. Brigid in a historical context, with a focus on Ireland and Kildare 1,500 years ago.
Aimed at primary school children, the pack consists of a 30+ page colour printable booklet with activity sheets and accompanying lesson plans.
This visually appealing education pack, designed by Albarta Heritage, will be available in both English and Irish languages. The education pack will be circulated through Kildare education network and will be available to download online on in advance of St. Brigid's Day 2024.
Hard copies of the booklet will also be distributed to primary schools in Kildare and through Kildare Library Service.
A broad programme of events and initiatives are planned throughout 2024 as part of Brigid 1500. Visit their website for more details!
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.