South-Jam Bass Academy: A Music Generation South Dublin Music Hub
The South-Jam Bass Academy will sit within the MGSD community music hubs programme where children and young people already access performance music education at an affordable rate and in an after-school capacity in 3 locations across the county. The South-Jam Bass Academy will be rooted in the newly opened Kingswood Hub.
The bass guitar is a key component of any traditional rock/pop/modern music band and adds value beyond compare to the overall sound produced. Bass lines are integral parts of electronic/synth-pop/hip-hop music and we believe that by offering young people the chance to further develop their existing guitar skills and learn more about the bass guitar we will be future-proofing bands/ensemble formations for years to come.
A strong cohort of young bass guitarists will hone their skills and work with MGSD musician educators to their develop their proficiency and technical skill on the bass guitar. Young people will also be afforded the opportunity to network with other students within the hubs to form small bands/mini ensembles.
Click here for updates on the MGSD Community Hubs.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.