Story, Song and Sound
A series of stories, songs and poems that can appeal to all three generations in attendance, and revolving around the theme of ‘The Circle, and Cycles, of Life’. Orla and Sarah will accompany the telling of story and rhyme with various sensory elements – instruments, lights, gentle movement, mirrors, scarves – to engage the babies in attendance; and the parents and nursing home residents will be encouraged to join in. There will be space for some reminiscence and story-telling from the care home residents, which can then stimulate some content for the next sessions. We hope the sessions will have a positive impact on all the participants.
Sarah Hope Guppy – a story facilitator and writer, who has many years of experience working in care of the older person, as well as teaching drama with children, and acting/performance. Sarah is mother to a one-year-old.
Orla O’Connor – a sound therapist, yin yoga instructor, and facilitator of women’s circles. Orla is also a primary school teacher with a focus on drama, and a mother of a three-year-old and a one-year-old.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.