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Mná Mhuineacháin

12th Nov 2018
to 16th May 2019

Age Range
13 - 17


ocfA pilot arts/film based 2-year project investigating the struggle of the suffragettes marking the 100th anniversary of women getting the right to vote in Ireland.

Promoting creative engagement and social inclusion, this project will set out to engage with Transition Year students from Monaghan schools. A series of drama workshops on a weekly basis in the Market House, Monaghan were facilitated in 2018. This 8 week program of workshops helped young people develop their improv and storytelling skills, using techniques such as guided imagery, journaling, and hot seating.

The subject of the suffragettes was introduced at the very beginning of the project and brought forward discussions around the Constitution and the 'Woman's place in the home', but the young people quickly moved to movements they could easily associate with, such as the Marriage Equality referendum and Repeal the 8th which ultimately ended in an overarching theme of equality. This led to workshops in character development, with equality as the primary theme, and prepared the young people for the next stage of the project - devising their own script.

Project activities 2019: a series of workshops facilitated by Youth Theatre Ireland, youth arts facilitators & filmmakers; with script writing, production, public screening provisionally planned for end of May.

This project will be a unique collaboration between arts in education officer, youth theatre facilitator, youth network and art officer.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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