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Clongeen National School Workshops with David Begley


Wexford’s artistic furrow

Two Wexford-based initiatives are raising awareness of the unique culture of rural life and the importance of understanding our local heritage, past present and future.

Part of Wexford’s tailor-made Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022, these two community-focused initiatives are highlighting the southeastern county’s cultural and traditional heritage via visual art and filmmaking.

Gathering stories – My Cultural Heritage

In an effort to digitise oral history unique to Wexford, filmmaker Terence White is documenting the county’s rich cultural heritage as a legacy to future generations. The project, My Cultural Heritage, is recording the memories, stories and recollections of locals for the creation of a short documentary film. With the aim of capturing a sense of Wexford’s diverse cultural heritage, White has invited people of all ages and backgrounds living in the county to participate.

From tales of inherited keepsakes to cherished songs, or even locations which hold personal cultural significance, White and the Wexford Arts Centre have been avidly collecting the area’s stories. Contributions from members of Wexford’s more diverse communities were especially sought, with present, evolving and future heritage considered just as important as the past’s.

The resulting 20-minute documentary film is set to premiere at Wexford Arts Centre and future film festivals too.

An artistic furrow – Plough Lines

Fifth and sixth class pupils from Clongeen National School have been getting creative through drawing, painting and printmaking workshops with Wexford-based artist David Begley. Assisted by artist Deirdre Buttimer, Begley and the students have been working towards holding an exhibition, ‘Plough Lines’, that showcases the heritage of ploughing and tillage farming around Clongeen.

Intent on highlighting the innate cultural and heritage value of ploughing, the pupils have explored space, shape and the human figure in the ploughing environment. With new skills under their belts, the children were able to engage with their locality and its heritage through creativity, discussion and soon via the ‘Plough Lines’ exhibition itself.

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