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4th Aug 2023
to 11th Aug 2023

Age Range
All ages

A Swift Story

When Birr Vintage Week started using the Courthouse Yard in 2022 many people asked what the the box was on the wall of the building, so for 2023 we are drawing attention to the Swifts through a video projection. To support this, we are printing boards with information and QR code links to the Saving Swifts Guidebook and the new Swift survey where Birdwatch Ireland are re-surveying nesting swifts in County Offaly this Summer, and promoting the event and the survey through our website and on social media.

The projection took place on Wednesday 9th August and the boards were up for the whole festival. The focus of this project is nature conservation and follows up on last years work of Animating the Courthouse Yard, continuing to bring life to the space and highlighting the issue for swifts when buildings are renovated and brought back into use.

There was an expectation of around 800 people to visit the Courthouse Yard over the course of the week and an audience of approx. 100 for the projection.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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