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1st May 2024
to 31st Oct 2024

Age Range

An Táin Arts Centre

Crowe Street
A91 W20C

Age Friendly Ageism Drama Project

Age Friendly Louth will collaborate with a drama facilitator and a group of older adults to produce a short comedic piece of drama to challenge ageism in Co Louth by high lighting ageist messages and stereotypes and celebrating positive ageing in a funny and humorous manner.

A drama facilitator will be engaged to facilitate a number of workshops with older adults who have some drama experience and also older people with no previous experience in the dramatic arts. The facilitator will work with the group to initially build trust and confidence and eventually to deconstruct ageist adverts and ageist attitudes. The drama tutor will provide a safe space to explore and challenge age related stereotypes. The facilitator and a writer will take elements of the adverts and work with the drama group to reproduce the adverts in a comedic and humorous manner, resulting in a short comedic piece of theatre.

The recreated adverts will be dramatised and performed by the drama group and recorded by a videographer.  Age Friendly Louth will use the video recording as part of a wider Age Friendly campaign to celebrate Positive Ageing Week 2024, Link with UN day of the Older Person on October 1st,  2024 and UN Decade of Healthy Ageing. The video recording will be used as part of a wider campaign to highlight issues of ageism and challenge ageism in Co Louth. 

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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