Baggot Estate Bee Sculpture
A bee carving sculpture will sit in the new Baggot Estate native wildflower/biodiversity garden. Carved from a lime tree that has fallen in the estate by chainsaw sculptor Will Fogarty, the sculpture will depict a bee and also have a bench incorporated into it.
The design and build of a native wildflower/biodiversity area over a space of 150m2 is a Healthy Ireland funded project to deliver part of the brief for the estate from the Limerick Southside Master Plan.
The intended space is located at one of the entrances to the estate and is visible from the adjoining road. The implementation of this project would provide a welcoming and attractive entranceway to the park.
The space will provide opportunities for usage by local groups to develop and maintain their own garden spaces. The installation of nesting boxes for birds and habitats for pollinators will potentially increase the biodiversity of the area. The space will be used for socialisation and educational talks.
This project by the Limerick City & County Council Environment Department has biodiversity and conservation at its heart.
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