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23rd Apr 2021
to 30th Sep 2021

Age Range
All ages

Balbriggan Lane of Love and Peace

This Mural Art Project will bring positivity and colour to the town of Balbriggan and will enhance the wellbeing of students, their families and the wider community through art and positive messaging.

During this project, a group of first-year students from Bremore Educate Together Secondary School, their Art teacher AJ McConway and a Worldwise Global Schools Education officer and Coordinator of Balbriggan Community Murals - Lizzy Noone - will design and create a number of mural paintings to promote well-being in the community.
The project will focus on the theme of community wellbeing and culture. Students will explore and brainstorm what wellbeing is and how it can be affected by a number of factors but with the main focus on what enhances our wellbeing and the community’s wellbeing.

During the Community wellbeing workshop run by Worldwise Global Schools students will create mind maps that represent what well-being means to them and their families, the Balbriggan community and the wider world using the Sustainable Development Goals Framework. The focus will be on positivity and solutions. Following the workshop students will pick a keyword from their mind map that will be used as a stimulus for their mural design ideas. 

As the project will be completed in the part of Balbriggan which is visible to by-passers, its impact will not only have a positive effect on those who created it but also to those members of the local community who will be able to walk by, view it

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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