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1st Jul 2022
to 30th Nov 2022

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All ages

The Mall, Ballyshannon, County Donegal

Blacksmithing in the Curtilage

The Mall (An Mál) in Ballyshannon displays a mix of eighteenth-century and nineteenth-century buildings and some of earlier origins.  It was the main thoroughfare linking the once-thriving port of Ballyshannon with The Diamond. The Condon House, built circa 1810, is a landmark building along The Mall in historic Ballyshannon. 

The original grandeur and architectural appeal of this Georgian house was enhanced by a recent Historic Towns Initiative that is helping to improve the fortunes of The Mall. The Condon House is a Protected Structure and its curtilage to the front of the house is recognised by its cast-iron railings. Curtilage refers to the area of ground that is directly connected with the functioning or inhabitation of the house.  This Blacksmithing in the Curtilage project involves an artisan blacksmith working in partnership with a conservation specialist to repair the cast-iron railings that announce the entrance to the house and enhance the historic streetscape of The Mall.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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