Cashel Arts Festival Outreach Programme
Due to the public health restrictions and school buildings closures the 'in- school' outreach programme could not take place as in previous years. With this in mind Arts and Crafts facilitator Elke Wilson devised arts projects that could be undertaken by primary school children at home.
Video instructions were recorded and contact with families and information on the project was made through local schools, festival website and social media. Projects included stained glass art, scraffito art and also a fun photograph of families recreating images of Old Masters paintings, Film or Fairytale characters.
As well as that Archbishop Miler Magrath and Charles Hawkins, two Cashel characters separated by 400 years have inspired sculptor Philip Quinn to create an original sculpture in wood. Cashel Arts Festival committee saw the artistic possibilities of using the three ancient beech trees that were felled for safety reasons in Cashel Cathedral Churchyard. The 4 metre trunk will be carved into a living creation by Philip during September and completed during the festival.
Finally Cashel Arts Festival has put together a community choir and due to recent circumstances, this has been done virtually! Comprising of members of the local community, of all ages and led by choir director and music teacher Lena Hally, the audio and video was put together by sound engineer, Pat Marnane. The song being performed is "A Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.