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1st Sep 2023
to 31st Oct 2023

Age Range

Ballymahon Vocational School

Children of Lir and Other Irish Legends School Mural

This is a Creative engagement and Painting Project for teenagers in Ballymahon Vocational School. This mural will enhance the plain walls around the school with Irish Legends and Folklore. This project will contribute to an international project we are engaged with through Erasmus+. It will enhance literacy through study of legends, creative process through design of use of space and finish with improving artistic skills of the students through the preparation, storytelling and showcase of finished project.

This is a school wide project for all art students which will be artist led to retell the stories of the Children of Lir and other local legends. The artist is local to Ballymahon and is called Phil Atkinson.

He will schedule and deliver workshops with young students in Ballymahon to develop their artistic processes, storytelling abilities and development of their cultural place making memories. This mural will be showcased on some of the blank mundane wall spaces in our school which is a public building.  By creating more creative spaces in the school, this will help with mindfulness, promote creativity and reduce anxiety within the school community.  The focus of the project is on local legends such as the Children of Lir.  

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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