Community Engagement Through Street Arts
This project aims to develop a series of 5 short plays using the Tain Bo Cuailnge as a backdrop which will be performed at public events during the Tain March Festival 2019. This project will both enable the creative potential of the young people and enable the creativity in our community.
The young people will spend 2 months developing the scripts, developing their acting skills in physical theatre and will develop skills in audience engagement. The plays will then be performed in Ardee, Knockbridge, Dundalk, Ravensdale and Bush in Cooley
Drama Facilitator Kwasie Boyce will recruit the participants, train the group in script writing, street performance, physical drama and audience engagement. This will enable the participants to develop new skills, grow in confidence and will include the community in the dramatic performances.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.