28th Sep 2022
to 31st Dec 2022
Award/Grants Scheme
Creative Ireland South Dublin Schools Cultural Award
The Creative Ireland Schools Cultural Award 2022 seeks applications from interested schools located in the South Dublin County. This initiative seeks to support primary schools, second level schools and programmes to develop programmes and projects in the disciplines of Drama, Dance and Visual Arts that will enrich arts practice in schools in the county.
While it is not possible to offer this scheme to every school that applies, the programme seeks to encourage, in so far as possible, an art form and geographic spread and also to award the scheme to previously unsuccessful applicants.
If you require the application by hardcopy or in large print, please contact Maebh Butler on
Queries to: Maebh Butler
Deadline for queries: Friday 14th October
Completed applications must be submitted no later than 5pm on October 21st
Assessment Criteria and Conditions
Selection Criteria
a. The extent to which the proposed event/project maximises community and citizen engagement;
b. The extent to which the proposed event/ project is ambitious, innovative and fosters creativity;
c. The potential scope of the event/project and anticipated target audience;
d. The cost of the proposed event/project
e. The feasibility of completing the project by May 2023.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.