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5th Sep 2022
to 30th Sep 2022

Age Range
All ages

Cúirt Festival + Friends of Merlin Woods Writers Workshops and Performances

After a very successful series of workshops and a performance in Merlin Woods Community Garden on April 6th in Cúirt Festival, participants it was felt that the project should continue to increase the writing and performance skills of the writers who participated and to give opportunities to others who would like to engage. We have sowed the seeds of developing a new audience for the festival to engage with and this project would allow that relationship to continue to grow and flourish. The project and workshops will look at themes on The Natural Word and it's intersection with Culture through poetry, short stories and character development. The writer’s group will engage with Cúirt in the form of an event in the 2023 festival. This will engage a growing audience and continue to give new writers opportunity to engage in public performances to promote original materials. The workshops will be aimed at youths and adults with mentorship from guest writers. The workshops and performances will be delivered in the Merlin Woods Community Gardens

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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