Dancing in the Moment
The North Leitrim Women’s Centre are working with photographer Joan Alexander and writer Jo Sachs-Eldridge with a group of women exploring their experiences of lockdown.
Through the gathering of stories and using photography as a medium that builds on and reveals what we can’t always see. The women involved will have the opportunity to share and celebrate their creativity and its contribution to all of our resilience. Women carry so much, for many women lockdown increased that burden ,and during lockdown it was often women’s incredible creativity that made them able to, not just keep going but carry their families and communities with them. Yet so often that creativity goes unrecognised as we think of creativity as being exclusive to the creation of ‘art’ yet to be ‘creative’ is to use our imagination, have original ideas, repurpose, invent and reinvent - meals, games, spaces to work and play, ways of doing things that make it all possible – to ‘dance in the moment’.This project seeks to unearth women’s often hidden creativity during lockdown so that it can be acknowledged, shared and celebrated. The project also seeks to expand our definition of what it means to be creative so that more of us appreciate and consciously use our creativity in our everyday lives.
The programme is free and will take place both in person and on-line – spaces are limited. To get involved please follow this link or email
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.