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Digitisation of Ballinglen Art collection

30th Sep 2019
to 22nd Dec 2019

Age Range
All ages

Ballinglen Arts Foundation,

Main Street,
F26 X5N3

The Permanent Collection of The Ballinglen Museum of Contemporary Art in North Mayo holds 653 important modern works of art.  The museum was opened by Minister Michael Ring on the 20th September this year. Getting this collection digitized and up on Ballinglen's website is of the utmost importance. This collection has grown over the past 27 years since Ballinglen was founded. It is unique in that it comprises all work created in response to artists spending time at Ballinglen and represents the whole of North Mayo. Many pieces represent buildings no longer in use and showcases the landscape through the eyes of an artist. It represents Mayo and Ireland and if available for viewing online will highlight and feed in to all that's available on The Wild Atlantic Way.

Creating a database to accompany the  images will make the collection available to the world . it will aslo make it much easier for staff to manage the collection and for curating shows. 


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