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1st Nov 2021
to 31st Dec 2021

Age Range
All ages

dlr Age-Friendly Magazine 2021-2022

Following on from the phenomenal response received by the first dlr Age-Friendly magazine which was distributed in Winter 2020/Spring 2021, it was decided to publish another issue for Winter 2021/Spring 2021. With an initial print run of 15,000 copies to as many households as possible in the County, the magazine will contain a range of information on the local services, supports and events provided by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council including Libraries, Arts, Community, Sports Partnership, Heritage, Parks, Environment, Leisure, and Local Enterprise Office, as well as information on national organisations such as the HSE, Alone, Age and Opportunity, Making Connections, Living well with Dementia, An Garda Síochána and many more.  

The magazine, through a combination of useful and relevant information and fun elements (poems, crosswords, quizzes etc.) aims to support our mental health and well-being, especially older members of our community, as we continue to navigate our way through difficult and uncertain times.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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