ELDERS OF CLONMEL by Clonmel Applefest
ELDERS OF CLONMEL by Clonmel Applefest is a writing and book project for Tipperary-based community writers and older people of Clonmel. This project is aimed at people who like to hear and read stories from the locality of Clonmel and region.
13 community writers have been recruited to interview 13 older Clonmel people to talk about their time growing up in the town. The writers participated in a masterclass with writer/ journalist Sue Leonard and will be mentored by her following the submission of their first draft. Themes of changing lifestyle from the 50s onwards and what has improved and what has changed through their lives are explored. The project will culminate in the publication of a illustrated book with photographs of the subjects by John D. Kelly photographer. The book launch will be the opening event of Clonmel Applefest on Thursday 21st September. Further details will be available on the Clonmel Applefest website once confirmed.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.