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1st Jan 2021
to 31st Dec 2021

Age Range
All ages

Fighting Words 2021

Fighting Words is a free creative writing programme founded by author Roddy Doyle and Seán Love in 2009. It operates on the premise that creative writing is an essential part of every child’s education: that giving children a real dedicated chance and space to explore the limitlessness of their imaginations, does great things. Fighting Words works with primary and secondary school students to develop their creative writing skills, explore their love of writing and let their imaginations run free.

Kerry Writers Museum has been delivering the Fighting Words Programme to schools in Kerry since 2018. Over 600 pupils throughout the county have participated in workshops to date. Since September 2020, workshops have been delivered online due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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