15th Jan 2024
to 30th Nov 2024
Age Range
All ages
Drummin Bog
R95 DX24
Climate Change
Gnáthóga Nádúrtha - Natural Habitats
Gnáthóga Nádúrtha, is an innovative, unique and far reaching socially engaged project that is working towards long term change and development of attitudes around climate action and environmental protection. Gnáthóga Nádúrtha will build on a unique partnership with local authorities, artists and community members to work in a partnership approach towards climate action. Gnáthóga Nádúrtha, will bolster collaboration with key partners including the Drummin Bog Committee, in Carlow, Girley Bog Meitheal in Meath and Creative Rathangan Meitheal, in Kildare, Jules Michael, Monica DeBath, Kate Flood, Socialy Engaged Artists/Scientists respectively, the local and the wider community in each County.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.