Investigating Direct Provision
A series of creative workshops and events presented by Donal O’Kelly, MU Arts & Minds Festival Writer-in-Residence
For the first event of his residency, author and theatre-maker Donal O’Kelly is joined by guest speakers Liam Thornton (UCD School of Law) and Donnah Vumah (MASI) in a creative exploration and discussion marking 24 years since, on 10th December 1999, World Human Rights Day, the Irish state decreed £15 per week the appropriate ‘comfort payment’ for people living in ‘full-board’ Direct Provision.
How did the Irish government arrive at £15 (€19) per week?
Why did it remain unchanged for 17 years?
Why did asylum seekers face a work ban for 16 years?
This is event is free and open to all. It will comprise three 20-minute contributions and 30 mins Q&A, followed by tea and coffee.
Thurs 14 December, 12-1:30pm
At MUSSI Seminar Room, Iontas Building (top floor), Maynooth University Campus
Supported by Creative Ireland and Maynooth University.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.