Irish Native Trees 2022
Irish Native Trees 2022 comprises of 4 short movies focusing on 4 different native Irish trees. Each movie will cover 1 native tree. Identification features will be highlighted, the trees place in Irish biodiversity such as where they like to grow and where one might encounter the species, as well as the biodiversity that the species supports. These movies are a gateway for the viewer to understand what tree is growing where and to explain what that tree does for us and for other nature.
Aimed at both schools and the general public, the language is easy to understand for any group while being technically correct and fact-filled. Ireland currently has less than 2% of the island covered in native woodlands. Considering that number was over 90% in times past, our woodlands and associated nature is struggling to survive. There has been a recent resurgent in interest about our natural world amongst the general public. These movies are aimed at quenching some of that thirst for knowledge and fostering a love and respect for our native plants. Schools study native plants as part of their curriculum, these movies will help teachers and students on their learning journey.
This project follows on from ‘6 native trees’, a series of movies that were produced thanks to this same funding stream last year. Those 6 movies were received well, Donegal County Council used 3 of them as part of Culture Night 2021.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.