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Karum-Creevagh Experimental Heritage Explorations

An interdisciplinary project involving the Burren area of Co Clare and the Oland area of Sweden.  It involves an experimental and innovative approach to arts and landscape heritage. Creevagh Art and Archaeology Collective are a group of 8 Clare artists and archaeologists who will participate in this interdisciplinary project.  Initial plans are a research phase involving the landscape archaeology of the Burren and Kilshanny area using photography and film.  A parallel group in Sweden will examine the Oland region.  A united group exhibition will take place in September in both Clare and Sweden.  The Irish group consists of: Stefan Bergh (Landscape Archaeologist),
Danny Burke, Déirdre Carr (Artist and Poet), Maria Kerin (artist/choreographer/curator), Patricia McKenna (Multimedia Artist), Mary Nunan (dance-artist), Dr Ros Ó Maoldúin (Archaeologist) and
Michael Walsh (graphic designer, photographer).

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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