23rd Sep 2022
Age Range
All ages
Newbridge Social Centre
H53 KC65
Landscape of Longhand
The Landscape of Longhand by The Artfarm Collective with the support of Newbridge Tidy Towns is a collaborative place-based community art project situated in Newbridge Village, East Galway. Embracing visual art, text/script, heritage, archive and photography, this project is based on the age old art form of handwriting. Handwriting is a means of expression, a physical act of communicating thoughts and ideas and a means of sharing.
Our project is a gathering of handwriting from people of all ages in the community, be it a thought, a dream, a line from a favourite poem, a song, a saying, a prayer/mantra and so on. This collage of text will be shaped to create a large landscape image to be placed on the wall of the community garden in the village. This project comprises the age old process of "mark making", it is the handwriting of place and the communal gesture of "sharing one line".
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.