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1st Jun 2024
to 31st Dec 2024

Age Range

No venue


Leitrim Larks Taking Flight

   The Larks started out as a project lead by traditional singer Fionnuala Maxwell in conjunction with Leitrim Heritage and supported by Creative Ireland. The project set about re-introducing Leitrim songs and ballads and celebrating our natural and unique voices. Initially, Fionnuala facilitated a series of  workshops and challenged 6 singers from around the county to learn a song that she had sourced from their locality and to pass it on to a singing circle. 

Now in its' new phase, the group hopes to "take flight" and offer a more creative experience by inviting and engaging with other experienced artists. For the Little Larks, this will involve a series of workshops/singing circle events which will allow the children to explore traditional songs, singing and song writing in a creative way. For the adult group this will be more opportunities to engage with or explore their own creativity by liaising with other artists and connecting with traditional singers and researchers from other counties. Exchanges with other singing circles, working with international communities and finding common ground with other practices. 

The Larks meet regularly at the “Lend an Ear” sessions which pop up on a monthly basis in random locations throughout the county – their aim being to have an inclusive space where people can share songs, stories, written work or just listen … and there have been a few tunes and dances so anything can happen ! 

See the fb link below for the next session !

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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