Lime Tree Theatre/Belltable - Beginnings: A Community Engagement Project for Bualadh Bos Children's Festival
A Community Engagement Project for Bualadh Bos Children's Festival
Working with local professional artists, as well as teachers and children from Limerick's inner-city DEIS schools. This project is delivered in partnership with the Embracing Diversity, Nurturing Integration: Learning for Life Project at MIC. The project, which was embedded in an initial Teacher Education programme, set out to develop a cross-arts approach to theatrical performance.
This project was piloted (with 2 class groups) in 2022 and now they wish to expand to reach out to 12 groups. The project is currently nominated for Best Community Academic Collaboration at the Education Awards.
A three step approach:
Summer teacher course:
This project follows a successful pilot in 2022. Participating teachers will be invited to attend a CPD week in July 2023 in MIC.
Workshops in Schools:
Staff of LTT and MIC will work alongside a professional facilitator in 12 local DEIS school groups in the first 3 weeks of September. They will prepare teachers and children for the workshop performances. This will involve workshops in drama, performances, visual art and music.
Performance in Belltable
During the week of the 25th September, each class group will have the opportunity to be part of a storytelling performance at Belltable. The child participants and teachers will work with artists, staff of MIC and the festival to build a rudimentary.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.