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1st Sep 2022
to 31st Dec 2022

Age Range
All ages

Limerick Future Creators 2022

In 2022 Limerick Future Creators will showcase a new collaborative with the Irish Aerial Creation Centre (IACC), Limerick Youth Performance Group (LYPG), the Irish Chamber Orchestra Youth Orchestra (ICOYO) and the Limrockers Cru street dance. They will work throughout November and December with a final show on 11th December 2022. 

This work-in progress performance will be made up of four groups, each of the acts will be made will be mentored by the tutors from Fidget Feet, ICOYO, Limrockers Cru. Continuing to mix classical music, hip hop dancing and aerial dance. 

Irish Aerial Creation Centre will continue to lead to a five year plan, in 2019 was IACC and ICOYO collaboration, 2020 was the film, 2021 was the indoor performance. As part of the Creative Ireland funding IACC are running the next project to create a show. They have brought in a new teacher Safire who has moved from Portugal to work on the project. Safire has been to both circus school and dance school. 

The project runs from the 23rd of September to the 11th of December 2022.

In 2023 the IACC will create a Limerick live youth collaborative performance for the stage and to run a five youth collaborative gathering at IACC in 2023. 

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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