Limerick Pride Virtual Festival 2021
Limerick Pride aims to encourage the empowerment and participation of the LGBT+ community and allies through a number of virtual events. These events will be shown on our social platforms. We will be working in collaboration with many different people, groups, and organizations, both locally and nationally.
Limerick Pride's main objective is to promote the active participation of the community in our events this year. This year's virtual festival takes place between the 5th-11th of July. Through open communication and active collaboration with a wealth of artists, organisations, and community groups, we have compiled a diverse selection of events to showcase the amazing creativity our local and national artists possess.
Limerick Pride is celebrating it's twentieth anniversary, the vast selection of events planned has something to cater to every community, please see the festival programme for a detailed breakdown of the week's events. From educational speakers, spectacular performances from artists, and everything in between. We will be filming beautiful visuals of artwork/footage to showcase our breathtaking city.
To Insure the inclusivity of the wider community; these events will be openly accessible via our social media platforms. Each event has a dedicated time, hence ensuring each artist involved solely receives the space and time to display their creativity.
Official Limerick Pride, YouTube
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.