Mervue Community Mural
COPE Galway's recently renovated Bungalow in Mervue is the hub of their community support work with older people. COPE reach out to older people in Mervue and surrounding areas, working with them to provide opportunities to learn, connect, engage, socialise and be active in their community.
COPE propose to engage an artist to work with the community to design and paint a mural in the main activities room in the Bungalow. The artist will engage with the client group to get their ideas for the design – to promote and encourage a sense of ownership and belonging in this new community space.
The project team will hold a consultation session and conversations with clients to hear about what is important to them. Clients will then be involved in the design of the mural and in the painting of it.
We anticipate that this will encourage people to discuss the mural with family and friends and encourage others to get involved. We hope it will instil a feeling of ownership in those involved, as well as providing a beautiful focal point and conversation starter.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.