Mobile Poet
There are stories to be heard and created in every community. After publishing their first “lockdown” collection, Ballinamore writers’ group are working with local poet Wayne Frankham to explore the dynamic range of creativity that poetry has to offer.
A tool of commemoration, exploration, entertainment and reflection, there’s limitless potential which the group plans to develop, and share through performance and open connections with other community groups
Releasing their collection “ Reflections “ this September in Ballinamore’s Island Theatre, the group has a series of workshops to explore, enjoy, be challenged by and discover poetry to read, write, share, and have the option to perform.
Wayne has been hosting the monthly Word Corner at The Dock Arts Centre in Carrick on Shannon since 2015, as a community space to share, listen and develop the living and imagined stories of our lives.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.