Mosaic Murals
Mosaic artist, Aidan Byrne, is working with Birr Art Group to create two outdoor murals – a visual representation of our town’s heritage - to be displayed in Birr town. The group, who usually work through the medium of paint, will gain a new experience in the craft of mosaic. They have worked with Aidan to agree the subject matter which explores the heritage of Birr and are embarking on a programme of crafting in the summer bringing an artistic approach to explore aspects of Birr’s rich heritage.
The finished murals will be unveiled in at the end of the summer for the public and visitors to the town to enjoy and will enhance other works that have been installed in town in recent years e.g. the Susan Langstaff Mitchell poetry trail and the St Brendan the Voyager sculpture at Mill Island.
Artist, Aidan Byrne is a graduate of GMIT with a BA (hons) Fine Art 2011 is a creative association with the Art Council - Creative Schools Programme and has vast experience in facilitating school and community projects.
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