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1st Apr 2021
to 1st Nov 2021

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All ages

Moynagh Lough Project, Nobber, Co. Meath

Moynagh Lough lies just over 400m south-west of Nobber in north Co. Meath, surrounded by a drumlin landscape of rich pasturelands. Excavation revealed that the initial human occupation of the site commenced in the centuries immediately before 4000BC when a community of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers constructed a series of platforms in the lake. Climatic change and fluctuating water levels meant that the site was abandoned until the Early Bronze Age, when at least two round houses were constructed.

An archaeological excavation directed by John Bradley was carried out on the multi-period wetland site at Moynagh Lough (near Nobber), Co. Meath, between 1980 and 1998 (licence number E377). Following John's untimely death in November 2014, and led by Dr. Michael Potterton (NUI, Maynooth) a project to publish the findings of the excavations was initiated (support by a steering group comprised of representatives from the National Monuments Service, National Museum of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, University College Dublin, Maynooth University and Meath County Council. The project is collaboration with local groups to raise awareness and understanding of of this important archaeological site.

A project website is planned for 2022 and increased social media presence. Archaeology Ireland publication is also forthcoming. In 2020 UCD hosted a public lecture (via zoom) on the project. Due to covid on-site talks were not possible during Heritage Week 2021 but are planned for 2022. 

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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