Of ephemeral measure
The recording of annual life-cycle events in plants belongs to the primordial science of Phenology; to show, to bring to light, to make appear, study. Once the hobby of committed naturalists, it has now become a critical part of monitoring the advance of climate change.
Building on ideas of daily observation first explored in Quotidian, of ephemeral measure project has activated Phenological methodologies and practices throughout Co. Kildare through the creation of a novel network of digital wild-sensing cameras. Dotted throughout the county, these cameras are currently in operation in seven diverse environments and are capturing recordings on a diurnal basis.
Sites under observation include an agricultural site, a research bog, a forest plantation, a carpark, a garden, a riverbank and a previously monitored Phenological Garden which was studied as part of the EPA's Climate Change Research Programme (2007-2013)
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.