Painting a Picture of Moybologue
The aim of the event is for Moybologue Historical Society to collaborate with Bailieborough Creative Hub, to create an art installation that interprets and displays aspects of the history, folklore and biodiversity of the Moybologue site. Aspects considered for interpretation includes the peoples of the past who've shaped the site such as the early inhabitant Fir Bolg tribe, from where the site derives it's name, the destruction of a pagan idol and the coming of St. Patrick, the Church bell flying through the air to warn of the approach of Cromwellian soldiers, the use and long history of the site as a burial place of our ancestors as well as the biodiversity and nature of the site.
By creating an accessible outdoor installation, the project can be viewed in a safe and tranquil outdoors environment.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.