Pangea is a multimodal film project that how social media and mobile devices may lead to psychological and physical issues especially in the LGBT community. It aims to explore the anguish of modern day living, our struggle with identity, the issues that surround the use of technology in today’s egotistically driven world and how technology is altering self-identity as it forces a shift from being internally to externally driven.
“Pangea” is a modern interpretation of the ancient fable of the solitary mermaid. Hidden in her world of Turlough Mor in the heart of the Burren, Pangea is suddenly overcome with desire and longing for connection with a person she sees walking on the shoreline. As she watches this person swimming her desire overcomes her –and having watched them engage with their smartphone she decides that this is the key to connecting with this human being. She steals the phone and is instantly and violently taken into the interior world of the phone – The depths of the dark human mind with various rooms linked to the seven deadly sins – Sloth, Greed, Pride, Gluttony, Envy, Lust and Wrath.
Filming will take place in Clare in early November. A screening will be scheduled for late 2022.
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