Picture Me Photographic Project
Picture Me Project is a digital photographic project with artist Anna Leask that acknowledges the artistic talents of children/young people with an intellectual disability, specifically The Leitrim West Cavan Branch of Down Syndrome Ireland and their families. Supported by The Dock, Creative Ireland and Leitrim County Council.
Children with Down Syndrome can be exceptionally visual in their learning and understanding. The photography project gave the young participants an ideal outlet to express themselves creatively. Anna Leask and the new photographers used the latest technology to facilitate members to meet, learn and share using a range of online tools.
You may struggle to hear my words but looking through the camera lens you can learn what interests me. With my pictures, we can share a point of view. So see me not as a person with a disability, instead picture me as photographer!
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.