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1st Aug 2023
to 30th Sep 2023

Age Range
All ages

Portrait of McSwyne’s Castle

The project aims to bring to life the history of McSwyne’s Castle on St. John’s Point, through artistic representation of how it may have once looked. Preserving its memory for antiquity.

In 2022, a full Conservation Survey was carried out on McSwyne’s Castle and the worst fears were confirmed.

The Castle sits on an outcrop from the St. John’s Point peninsular which is slowly being eroded by the sea. We are likely to see it completely disappear within 40 years or less. Sea defences could extend the life by a decade, but this would have serious costs, which will be difficult to justify for a short extension of life.

So instead, the aim is to turn the  attention to conserving the memory of the castle. It is planned  to run archaeological scans and digs, but to really bring its history to life an experienced archaeologist and artist will be employed to capture drawings of how it stands now and how it may have looked in the past.  

The work brings together artists, archaeologists and conservation architects to deliver for the community.  

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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