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Reading the Landscape

Reading The Landscape – A landscape environmental heritage project for communities: understanding the inherent qualities of the environment around us, the built and natural, the resources and infrastructures requires active use of imagination.  This initiative will encourage participants to look at the landscape as a ‘microcosm’ case study for the practical application of field techniques. Interpretation and visualisations will be interjected by creatives so that a sense of place or essence of an area gets to be re-imagined.   The first course of 2019 was held in Kilrush and the second will be held in South Clare.  The course will be held in conjunction with LCETB Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and will be facilitated by Zena Hoctor. The participants will contribute work to the Irish Community Archive Network iCAN and training and mentoring will be provided for this.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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