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1st Aug 2022
to 29th Dec 2022

Age Range
All ages

Reconnect Communities

Healthy Galway City and Galway City Partnership (GCP), in partnership with Galway Contact, Age Action Galway and Cope Galway will deliver three Social Mornings for older people and three 6-week creative wellbeing courses for older people living across Galway city.

The ‘’Reconnect Communities’’ project will target older people living in the community, specifically those of lower education or low income. A specific effort will be made to target those who are isolated and are not already engaged with existing community groups. Social Mornings for Older People will be hosted in three local community resource centres in neighbourhoods throughout Galway City. These events will encourage older people to reengage with neighbours, friends and communities and will include health and wellbeing-centred activities, refreshments, and the opportunity to socialise.The three Social Mornings will be delivered throughout Summer and Autumn 2022, and three 6-week course will be delivered in Autumn 2022.

Summer 2022: Social Morning for Older People in Ballinfoile Castlegar area

September – December 2022: 6-week course in Ballinfoile Castlegar area

Autumn 2022: Social Morning for Older People in Westside area

September – December 2022: 6-week course in Westside area

December 2022: Social Morning for Older People in Ballybane area

September – December 2022: 6-week course in Ballybane area

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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