Sligo DPO Forum Theatre
The main focus of Sligo DPO Forum Theatre proposal is to use Forum Theatre to raise awareness of the rights of disabled people, targeting both, disabled people and the wider community. The Sligo DPO Forum Theatre group will perform a workshop in a variety of venues to ensure the meaningful inclusion and effective involvement of people with disabilities at all levels within their community including positions of ‘power’ in social, cultural and economic spheres of influence.The Aim of the work is to enable participants taking part in the Sligo DPO Forum Theatre Project to progress towards a stand-alone touring company comprising of disabled actors who will promote advocacy through Forum Theatre. The emancipatory nature of the Project will be to raise awareness of the rights of people with disabilities in institutional and community locations throughout Sligo DPO and neighbouring regions.During the Sligo DPO Forum Theatre training project disabled actors will be able to: Identify a repertoire of dramatic scenarios relevant to disabled people in Sligo DPO and surrounding counties. Analyse the above scenarios through Forum theatre emancipatory methodologies informed by the Medical and Social models of disability. Evaluate how such Forum Theatre scenarios could be effectively progressed through audience empathy and participation within the performance and supported by post-performance workshops.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.