Sligo Food Trail Christmas Promotional Campaign – Buy Local
Project Summary
The campaign is a strategic collaboration between Sligo County Council and local business (Sligo Food Trail), to help promote sustainable communities while assisting Enterprise/Economic development in the County. It is designed to highlight sustainable practices by encouraging the purchase of local produce that will ultimately reduce carbon footprint. The campaign is delivered by Sligo Food Trail through its website and social media channels. Using Sligo Food Trail members and local food markets the campaign is focused on highlighting the fantastic offering by Sligo food and drink businesses this Christmas i.e., Christmas party nights, hampers, food themed items for Christmas, restaurants and Cafes. In addition, the promotion of pop-up Christmas shops by Sligo Food Trail members and the Christmas markets. The campaign uses Sligo County Council and Creative Ireland Themes and will tie in with the Live Green/Invest Smart/Visit Sustainably Sligo Brand.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.