Social Prescribing in Donegal
Across Donegal this Autumn, social prescribing link workers will be weaving creativity into their wellbeing programmes in a client centered approach.
Social prescribing is an effective means of engaging people in non-clinical activities and services in their communities in order to promote their health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities. Health and wellbeing is influenced by numerous social, economic and environmental factors. While clinical healthcare plays a role in balancing health needs, a holistic approach through social prescribing leads to improvements in quality of life, and to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
This Autumn eight social prescribing centres in Donegal will liaise with their clients to co-produce a social prescription. Plans to connect with the sea, creativity, explore food, storytelling and gardening are hatching across the county with each of the social prescribing link workers having autonomy over the sessions taking place to ensure that each session is designed to meet the needs of their client base. Personal development is a key aspect of the programmes being designed to help build confidence, communication and through creativity, encourage a different outlook on situations.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.