Tales Beneath the Thatch
Tales Beneath the Thatch is a community based initiative that aims to give older adults living in Naul and its surrounding areas the opportunity to socialise, share stories and engage creatively. Over a six week period the Seamus Ennis Arts Centre invites people over 60 to join us in the idyllic thatched cottage for weekly two hour sessions wherein they will work with a drama facilitator and a traditional storyteller to tap into their own creativity and memories. At the end of the six week period the group will be invited to present their developed work in a professionally directed short performance. This project aims to tap into the incredible impact that creativity has on wellbeing, encourage social integration for older adults who may be feeling isolated post-pandemic, and promote to audience members the value that our older population have in sharing their stories and memories of time gone by. In a recent press release from the charity Alone, it was highlighted that opportunities to socialise in a safe way are still rare for older people post pandemic. Tales Beneath the Thatch will be a fun, welcoming project led by two facilitators with a wealth of experience working with older people in similar settings. The project will be open to a maximum of 15 people, with the performance open to an invited audience.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.