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12th Jun 2023
to 20th Oct 2023

Age Range
All ages

The Inspired People, Places & Things

The Inspired People, Places & Things is a video lead digital platform telling the story of the creative community from Galway and the west of Ireland. Visually appealing with engaging content changing every week, including a series of 10 short video/reel-style interviews with a cross-section of creative industries from County Galway. Focusing on three pillars: ● People - creatives from a wide range of creative sectors ● Places - the location where the creative works/lives ● Things - the products/goods they produce. These will be delivered over 15 weeks from the beginning of July to mid-October and promoted through Instragam and TikTok channels. A stand-alone website will act as much more than a directory, having strong and visually appealing content. The Instagram and TikTok channels will bring these creative industries to an engaged audience. Dates: June 2023 to October 2023.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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