The Magic of Music
"The Magic of Music" is a music therapy based programme that aims to offer children attending St. Gabriel's Respite House the opportunity to engage creatively in music therapy sessions. Music Therapy empowers creativity in children with complex medical needs and physical disabilities. Over a 12-week period, children would benefit from music therapy, delivered by a qualified music therapist, accredited by the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists.
Music therapy is an effective educational and therapeutic tool for children with disabilities. Music therapy is a chance to experience a real connection with another human being. For children with physical disabilities, music therapy can be a great way of getting the child to move, thereby improving motor coordination and relieving tight muscles. For children who are non-verbal, it evokes emotions and creates connections that may not be reached through traditional methods. Music therapy can bring a lot of joy, happiness and overall well-being to a child. Being able to hear and respond to music, to sing, dance and move–essentially being able to express oneself–can empower children.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.