The Outsiders
“The outsiders” is a short, animated film that will be created by participants of the Footsteps Project with the guidance of filmmaker Frank Kelly. The group will make a short, animated movie. The process will take their idea through script development, concept art, storyboarding, screen art, illustrating, animating, and adding voices and effects. The final production will be screened.
The Footsteps project’s overall aim is to support disengaged young people to reengage with education and employment. We do this by promoting personal and social development, exploring interests, empowering the young people to recognize their own agency and capabilities. The Creative Ireland funding for this project provides the perfect opportunity to support the young people’s self-expression, creativity and skills development on a project that is fun, exciting and gives voice to their ideas. Frank Kelly, the project’s creative director, is experienced in making short movies, developing scrips with groups. He’s worked with diverse community groups. Frank began his creative journey studying animation, ideal for the current project.
We believe the young people who create this short will benefit through the process of developing their ideas and seeing them come to fruition. This will promote their agency, and confidence in their personal creative ability. The project will mean developing practical skills and knowledge around; the artistic and animation process and working as part of a team.
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