The Sligo Comedy Collective
For many years the three of us have been performing and running Comedy events around Sligo.
We have detailed our own backgrounds below but the core of the project is to make comedy more accessible to people who may not regularly get to participate or engage.
We will do this with TY workshops, Adult Workshops, Improv Classes as well as running gigs in rural areas that may not regularly have access to comedy shows.
We hope the funding will help support a selection of participants free attendance as well as tutor costs and promotion. From the workshops, we’d love to then include some of the participants in the Sligo Comedy Festival in 2025 to give them a space to showcase their talent and perhaps open the door for future career opportunites. Terry has been one of the driving forces of the Sligo Comedy Club which is a community of local comedians who put on a variety of shows around Sligo. The group has been open to anyone to participate and many of the gigs have been free to ensure accessibility for all. We have worked with Sligo Social Prescribing at the Sligo Family Resource Centre to accommodate some of their service users to get involved. Brendan has been running the So Funny Sligo Comedy Festival since 2019 with a wide range of paid and free events produced around the county, plus this year we included a new award for new Irish Talent.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.