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1st Jul 2020
to 1st Apr 2021

Age Range
All ages

Well-Being Guide to Great Locations in County Wexford

As our knowledge and awareness of mental health as a society increases so does our call to action and responsibility to actively address same. 

In partnership with the HSE and Wexford Mental Health Association this project aims to produce a well-being information booklet to great locations in county Wexford based on recommendations from young people. 

This creative and child orientated guide begins in Autumn when an artist will engage with both primary school children and youth organisation members inviting them to create a visual depiction of the well-being destination they would like to champion, along with their opinion on what this space has to offer a child’s well-being and ideas of how to use the space to get the most benefit i.e. bring your bike here, things you need to crab fish are etc.

The booklet can be used as a guide by children, parents, grandparents, teachers, youth and community workers and visitors to county Wexford.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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